FAQ, Tips & Tricks

Frequently Asked Questions

Tips & Tricks

Use a URL shortener

For long URLs, use a URL shortener before generating your QR code. This creates simpler codes that are easier to scan and less prone to errors.

Test before distributing

Always test your QR code with multiple devices and apps before printing or distributing it to ensure it works correctly for all users.

Add a call-to-action

Include a brief instruction or call-to-action near your QR code, such as "Scan me for more info!" This encourages people to interact with your code.

Maintain contrast

Ensure there's high contrast between the QR code and its background. Dark codes on light backgrounds (or vice versa) scan best.

Consider the scanning environment

If your QR code will be scanned in low-light conditions, consider making it slightly larger to improve scannability.

Update content without changing the code

Use a redirect URL that you control. This allows you to update the destination without having to distribute a new QR code.